
I want to know more about…


Talking about the practical arrangements for the cochlear implant operation, staying in the hospital, and the time in between coming home and having your speech processor tuned in for the first time.

          Day One

Talking about the different experiences of the first day of tuning and hearing electronic sound for the first time.


Different experiences about the weeks and months after tuning in, and how quickly sound becomes natural.


Thinking about the use of the equipment and the daily routine. Also discussed is troubleshooting and how to identify any issues.


AccessoriesTalking about situations where plug-in Bluetooth accessories such as mobile phone clips can be useful.   Telephone

Not everyone can use the telephone well with a cochlear implant.  Thinking about the progress and success of using the phone again.



Discussing how different music can sound with a cochlear implant, and comparing strategies and tips to get back to listening to familiar music.

  Looking Back

Summing up about experiences with a cochlear implant, including tips and things we wish we had known before we went ahead.